ios 8

iOS 8 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia哈哈哈.......老不死是最高境界啊!!! iOS 8 is the eighth major release of the iOS mobile operating system designed by Apple Inc. as the successor to iOS 7. It was announced at the company's Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) on June 2, 2014.[1] A new app named Health and a corresponding ...


iOS 8 — Everything you need to know!| iMore也太陽春了吧!!!!!! iOS 8, codenamed Okemo, was announced by Apple at WWDC 2014 on June 2, with the first developer beta seeded the same day. The current beta, beta 2, was seeded on June 17, and it's expected to become publicly available this fall. If Apple sticks to the ......


iOS 8發表、秋天推出!iPhone 4s、iPad 2以上可更新 - 行動通訊文章頁|MSN 3C 情報ㄚㄚㄚ~~~ WWDC 14 蘋果開發者大會今日(6/3)在美國舊金山的 Moscone West 展覽館舉辦。今年的活動主軸放在軟體服務的更新,除了公布新版本 OSX 作業系統 Yosemite(優勝美地)外,同時也發表了全新的行動作業系統 iOS 8。新版本的 iOS 8 在視覺上沿用. MSN 3C...


iOS 8 核心軟體,Healthbook 曝光搶先看 | T客邦 - 我只推薦好東西從還沒出生就與眾不同!!!! 穿戴式設備目前還沒有比較有看頭的產品出現,但也許我們可以期待 Apple 的產品。隨著 iOS 8 的曝光將近,新的 Healthbook 也由 9to5Mac 先行爆料,裡頭可以記錄著人們有關健康的一切資訊,至於這些訊息會怎麼蒐集,也許我們由目前的資訊可以猜到 ......
