ios airplay windows

《iTools啟用AirPlay》將iOS的畫面同步顯示到電腦上(免JB!免買AppleTV!)|梅問題‧教學網【Minwt】也太可愛了!! 使用過iTools的朋友都知道,透過iTools可以方便的管理iPhone手機中的資料,包含應用程式、圖片、音樂.....等備份,比iTunes來的好用 ... 1.電腦需安裝iTunes 2.iTunes要啟用Wifi連接 3.電腦與手機需連到同一網段下 4.需使用Windows平台...


How to enable AirPlay Mirroring on Windows | No Paid Software, No Cables | iOS 7,8 ( HD 1080p) - You這也太可怕了吧... This tutorial shows you how to MIrror your iPhone, iPod, iPad to your windows/ Mac PC and TV in 5 Simple steps. Step 1: Download the Airplayer from this Link. Link 1 Link 2 Link 3 http://www.lin...


You can now AirPlay your iOS media to Windows Media Center | 9to5Mac恐怖.... Upon installing the add-in on my Mac mini running Windows 7, I ran the Windows Media Center application in Windows. I was able to stream media from my iPhone 4 to Windows Media Center by tapping the AirPlay icon in iOS media player and choosing “Windows ....


Testing iOS AirPlay Reflector On Windows 8 Pro - YouTube我想跟黑人妹照相... tested the iOS app Reflector 1.2.3 on Windows 8 Pro. It is an AirPlay mirroring app to stream your iPad's or iPhone's screen to a MAC or Windows PC. The app is running unsteadily on my Acer Aspire 1810T. For a more detailed information ...
