ios app store url

Worms3 on the App Store on iTunes - Apple – iTunes – Everything you need to be entertained. 大家都知道人體其實是很脆弱的肉體,比我們想像中的都還要不堪一擊;而身上某些器官更是非常「嬌弱」,外界輕微的碰撞會給它嚴重傷害。 今天的主題非常特別,是男性身上不可或缺的器官-「睪丸」,咳咳…別想歪了,這是一個蠻悲慘的故事,就發生在39歲的Dan Maurer身上。 這位男子的睪丸在過Worms 3 View in Mac App Store WORMS View In iTunes Worms Special Edition View in Mac App Store Worms Revolution - Deluxe Edition View in Mac App Store Become a fan of the iTunes and App Store pages on Facebook for exclusive offers, the inside ......


ebrary on the App Store on iTunes - Apple – iTunes – Everything you need to be entertained. 一開始覺得這個訪問很胡鬧看著看著,才發裡面超有梗的耶!!!This app is designed for both iPhone and iPad Free Category: Books Updated: Jun 27, 2013 Version: 1.3.1 Size: 10.4 MB Languages: English, Spanish Seller: ebrary © 2012 ebrary Rated 4+ Compatibility: Requires iOS 4.3 or later. Compatible with iPhone ......


iOS App Store URL - Rate button - iOS - Stack Overflow這年頭真是什麼東西都可以成為藝術! 英國攝影師 Patrick Hall 的攝影計畫是想要記錄人們被30伏特電擊棒電擊時的瞬間表情,於是乎他找來了一群更瘋的志願者參予這個計畫,並用慢鏡頭拍下他們的反應。被電擊有多痛?來看看這些「受刑人」的慘狀: 在慢鏡頭的捕捉之下,參加者電流通過身體的瞬間被捕捉下來I want to add a rate button to the settings page in my iOS app. The only problem I have is what to use as the link. I have been searching around and apparently you can use: The problem is that I don't know the App Store URL of ...


Marketing Resources - App Store Resource Center網路上的照片千奇百怪,你無法否認,即使看了那麼多莫名的無邏輯照後,依舊無法抗拒按下一張的慾望~因為這些「無哩頭」的照片,往往有種怪怪的吸引力,是吧?接下來就來看看今天又有什麼新鮮照片囉。 究竟是給人還是熊睡的? 沒有辣妹的海灘,只好…自我安慰一下 這真是難得一見的奇景!! 我不懂時尚&Read the App Store Marketing and Advertising Guidelines for Developers, download the App Store Badge, and learn about marketing resources for iOS developers. ... Smart App Banners Make it easy for users to discover and download your app from a website on ...


iphone - iTunes review URL and iOS 7 (ask user to rate our app) AppStore show a blank page - Stack O 生活中難免會有煩躁的時候,你都做些甚麼事情紓壓呢?把玩泡泡紙是許多大人小孩的興趣,雖然「啵啵啵」的有點吵,但是把泡泡壓迫的感覺卻莫名地使人感到紓壓… 漸漸地產生一種看到泡泡紙就會想要擠爆他的強迫症,因此有人突發奇想利用泡泡紙開發了一款世界上最讓人無法抗拒的內衣....沒有之一!! 看Does anybody knows if the technique used to ask the user to rate our app and open for him the App Store directly on the rating page is still working on iOS 7 ? I used to open this url from my app : itms-apps:// .....
