Square Enix to Bring Final Fantasy VII to iOS in 2015 - Mac Rumors一、精品男女定律1、 接吻定律如果你吻一個女人,你的心跳達到250,那肯定是初吻。如果你吻一個女人,你的心跳達到180,那肯定是偷情。如果你吻一個女人,你的心跳達到120,那肯定是熱戀。如果你吻一個女人,你的心跳達到80,那肯定是老婆。如果你吻一個女人,你的心跳達到30,那肯定是恐龍。如果你吻一個女During Square Enix's E3 event that was held this morning, the company announced plans to bring iconic game Final Fantasy VII to iOS "before the end of summer" this year. Little detail was made available on the game aside from an upcoming release date, but...