ip dscp value

IP Precedence, TOS & DSCP - BogPeople.com老劉到醫院看醫生時,不斷抱怨他的腸胃有問題。 醫生:「每天的大便規律嗎?」 老劉:「很規律啊,每天早上七點準時大便。」 醫生:「那很好呀!還有什麼問題呢?」 老劉:「問題是…我每天早上九點起床。」阿瓊才三十歲,但卻已經長的一副福福泰泰的中年婦人樣了 。 某日,她和在銀行上班的美琴喝下午DSCP Name DS Field Value IP Precedence Binary Decimal CS0 000 000 0 0 CS1 001 000 8 1 AF11 001 010 10 1 AF12 001 100 12 1 AF13 001 110 14 1 CS2 010 000 16 2 AF21 010 010 18 2 AF22 010 100 20 2 AF23 010 110 22 2 CS3 011 000 24 3 AF31 011 010...


DSCP - QOS value | WAN, Routing and Switching | Cisco Support Community | 5991 | 10192876一妻子喜歡房事,只要丈夫一閉上眼睛,她就會不斷地翻身揮手加以阻擾,丈夫問:「妳為什麼不睡覺呢?」「有蚊子叮我,睡不著嘛!」妻子撒嬌地回答。丈夫一聽她的語氣,自然明瞭她的意思,於是便與她相好,妻子滿足了之後,便安穩的睡覺。丈夫望著自已的寶貝,不禁感嘆道:「與它相處幾十年,竟不知它居然有這等好本事。」「Hi, It was detailed calculation: AFXY, CSX and EF are just PHB codes for the corresponding DSCP in binary or decimal representation. AFXY where X is the class (3bits) Y is the priority (2bits) AF calculation example: PHB codeAF33=011 11 0(binary)=30(decim...


Implementing Quality of Service Policies with DSCP - Cisco一日 ,上課時老師看見小明在吃口香糖 ,嘴巴嚼來嚼去的老師叫他出來 .責備他不該上課嚼口香糖 , 小明說沒有老師就檢查他嘴巴 , 發現空無一物 . 不一會 , 小明嘴巴又在嚼來嚼去的 ,老師又叫他出來 . 但是結果一樣沒發現軟糖或口香糖到了第三次 , 老師忍不住了問他 . 我不處罰你但你要告訴我你到Introduction This document describes how to set the Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) values in Quality of Service (QoS) configurations on a Cisco router, and it summarizes the relationship between DSCP and IP precedence. Prerequisites Requirement...


cisco - How do I tag traffic with a DSCP value on an ASA? - Network Engineering Stack Exchange道歉信 一對熱戀中的男女,相約去弔祭一位長輩,後來兩人鬧情緒,出殯那天只有男的去了殯儀館,看不到女的,越想越覺得不對,就想寫信給女的道歉。誰知女的看了信,更加火大。 你知道這男的是怎麼寫信的嗎?? "親愛的,昨天原本去殯儀館,是想看你,沒想到看不到你,心中好難過..."I have a SIP Server that does not put a DSCP code on it's traffic. This server is behind an ASA, and I want to prioritize its traffic passing through an ASA from the private to public ......


NetContractor Blog » DSCP有一天 美國正在舉辦比賽大便......主持人一一介紹完規矩後....已經分出前三名當第三名把他的作品端出時......全場喝采....歡聲四起他竟然拿出一個有如卡通般螺旋大便......主持人便問他如何做到的他說這個必須考慮到圓週率以及速度的問題....在大便時必須用屁股旋轉,以及力量速度要恰到好Here you are our most popular NetContractor’s post about QoS fields mystery. QoS Classification is done mainly based on two fields: in Ethernet it’s CoS field and in IP header it’s ToS. Naming convention for specific fields in IP header has developed over...


DSCP and Precedence Values - Cisco Systems, Inc八八媽媽要驢婚了前幾天去表哥家裡拜訪,順便看兩個可愛的小侄進到表哥家,感覺氣氛有點異常,表哥表嫂臉色都僵住了看起來剛剛好像發生過家庭革命表哥表嫂突然說要出門一下我也就尷尬的說好,順便幫忙帶小朋友看她們玩了一下三歲多的小姪女就黏了上來,開始一直講話一直講話呼嚕嚕的有些都聽不太懂突然有一句:姨,什麼是ㄌCHAPTER Send document comments to nexus1k-docfeedback@cisco.com. 6-1 Cisco Nexus 1000V Quality of Service Configuration Guide, Release 4.0(4)SV1(1) 6 DSCP and Precedence Values This section provides the DSCP and precedence values used in QoS ......
