ip header time to live

Time to live - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia    世界上有那一種花通常夏天是冰冷的,冬天是溫熱的? 答:豆花。   IP packets [edit] Under the Internet Protocol, TTL is an 8-bit field. In the IPv4 header, TTL is the 9th octet of 20. In the IPv6 header, it is the 8th octet of 40. The maximum TTL value is 255, the maximum value of a single octet. A recommended initial v...


PING - The Easy Tutorial    什麼事是林先生和林太太每天睡覺時都要做的事? 答:閉上眼睛。   PING www.google.ch ( 56(84) bytes of data. 64 bytes from www.google.ch( icmp_seq=1 ttl=255 time=1.19 ms 64 bytes from www.google.ch ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=255 time=1.25 ms 64 bytes from www.google.ch (209.85 ......


Tech Stuff - TCP/IP Message (TCP, UDP, ICMP and IP) Formats    進浴室洗澡時,要先脫衣服還是褲子? 答:先關門比較好。 Notes: Time to Live originally involved a sense of time. It is now used as a simple, but very effective, count to prevent routing errors and loops. Every router that handles the packet decrements the TTL value and if it reaches zero the packet is returned...


IP Header Format > Internet Addressing and Routing First Step    下雨天時,兩個人共撐一把傘,結果兩個人都被淋溼;三個人共撐一把傘時,為什麼沒有人再被淋濕? 答:因為雨停了   IP Header Format Unlike the post office, a router or computer cannot determine the size of a package without additional information. A person can look at a letter or box and determine how big it is, but a router cannot. Therefore, additional information i...


Internet Protocol - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia      魚與熊掌要如何才可兼得? 答:養一隻會抓魚的熊。   Each datagram has two components: a header and a payload. The IP header is tagged with the source IP address, the destination IP address, and other meta-data needed to route and deliver the datagram. The payload is the data that is transported. This metho...


Understanding IP addresses and email header s - University of ...    人最怕屁股上有什麼東西? 答:一屁股的債。   Understanding IP addresses and email headers Viewing Headers on Various Popular Email Software Packages Return to University of Delaware Police cyber crime help home page If that Internet crime complaint comes to you on tomorrow’s shift, could you handle ...
