美規 HONDA ODYSSEY 2018新年式登場!
IP, Internet Protocol - Network Sorcery Honda 所推出的MPV車款Odyssey 美規2018新年式目前規劃於近期量產上市,預估將首次搭載前驅車種的10速自排變速箱。Honda Odyssey 是目前美國暢銷的MPV車款中之一,而2018新年式的美規版本,則進一步讓外觀更年輕,預估將採全新家族式飛翼水箱護罩unused. 2 bits. TOS, Type of Service. 8 bits. Obsoleted by the Differentiated Services field. This field specifies the parameters for the type of service requested. The parameters may be utilized by networks to define the handling of the datagram during t...