ipa decompiler

decompileの意味 - 英和辞典 Weblio辞書 妳搭上的可是快樂火車啊~開心點嘛~decompileの意味や和訳。 ―【動詞】逆コンパイルする, デコンパイルする. - 約986万語ある英和辞典・和英辞典。発音・イディオムも分かる英語辞書。 ... It is not possible to decompile all programs, and data and code are difficult to separate, because both are ......


xcode - Decompiling Objective-C libraries - Stack Overflow 呃...她應該還活著吧...?ChanceGetsDecompiled = ExpectedGainFromBeingDecompiled / PopularityOfLibrary Well if you REALLY want to know I would try decompiling it your self. You don't say if this is for PPC, Intel, or ARM which makes a difference. Here is a decompiler for Intel i38...


Source Code Security in PhoneGap - PhoneGap Build Customer Community 嗯...想必是吃魚肉大餐的夢想吧XDIf you need more code-security, you better learn native programming, no solution. However, it's very easy to extract the native code from a package too, even if it's obfuscated (on APK you can decrypt all classes and code, on IPA you can decrypt the code,...
