Apple - iOS 7 - Siri原來是這樣~!!!! Apple iPhone、iPad 與 iPod touch 上的 Siri ,讓你利用聲音就能傳送訊息、撥打電話、設定提醒事項,與進行更多作業 ... 有了 iOS 7,你可讓 Siri 為你開啟 app。只要說些:「玩 Angry Birds」或「開啟 iPhoto ......
全文閱讀Apple - iOS 7 - Siri原來是這樣~!!!! Apple iPhone、iPad 與 iPod touch 上的 Siri ,讓你利用聲音就能傳送訊息、撥打電話、設定提醒事項,與進行更多作業 ... 有了 iOS 7,你可讓 Siri 為你開啟 app。只要說些:「玩 Angry Birds」或「開啟 iPhoto ......
全文閱讀聚焦:iOS 6 的 Siri 全新功能詳細介紹,你一定要知道! | 硬是要學 - 最貼近您的專業 3C 資訊、手機評測網站別誤會了~其實他會這樣是因為...!!! 一直以來 iPad 使用者都無福使用 Siri ,不過在 iOS 6 上 Siri 將首度支援 new iPad,啟動方式跟 iPhone 相同,長按 Home 鍵出現 Siri 提示音後就能開始使用,但可惜 iPad 系列只有 new iPad 可以使用, iPad 1、iPad 2 雖然可以升級到 iOS 6,不過 Siri 還是堅持 ......
全文閱讀Apple - iOS 7 - Features吶喊中~~~ㄚㄚ Video sharing is not available on iPad 2 and iPod touch (5th generation 16GB). AirDrop is available on iPhone 5 or later, iPad (4th ... Safari full-screen view and tab view are available on iPhone 4s or later and iPod touch (5th generation). Siri is avail...
全文閱讀Siri for iPad 2 in iOS 6 | Apple Support Communities看仔細一點~!!!! Why can't apple get Siri to iPad 2 ,seriously come on it has a A5chip and it is quiet powerful if an iPhone 4s can have it ,which still has a A5 chip?and in ios 6 they give the new iPad Siri and not iPad 2. I'm seriously I'm so disappointed with apple.i h...
全文閱讀Siri for iPad 2 in iOS 6: Apple Support Communities看那時內卜笑的!哈哈哈~ The author of that MacWorld article is just flat wrong. Apple has clearly stated that Siri will be available in iOS 6 only for the iPhone 4s and new iPad, not the iPad 2. Quoting from this web page: http://www.apple.com/ios/ios6/ Siri will be available on...
全文閱讀siri on ipad 2 iOS 6 update - Apple iPad support & Discussions是男人都會害怕的打瞌睡. Thanks in advance....|update-ipad-2-ios-6-siri-3g-working-gps-data Ask by Jul 19, 2012 3:08 AM 8 Replies Category:iPad Wi-Fi+3G Am I only one who seriously upset iPad 2nd gen. Didn't get same update with iOS 6 3rd generation got Why didn't 2nd generation ...
全文閱讀Apple iPhone、iPad 與 iPod touch 上的 Siri ,讓你利用聲音就能傳送訊息、撥打電話、設定提醒事項,與進行更多作業 ... 有了 iOS 7,你可讓 Siri 為你開啟 app。只要說些:「玩 Angry Birds」或「開啟 iPhoto ......
全文閱讀一直以來 iPad 使用者都無福使用 Siri ,不過在 iOS 6 上 Siri 將首度支援 new iPad,啟動方式跟 iPhone 相同,長按 Home 鍵出現 Siri 提示音後就能開始使用,但可惜 iPad 系列只有 new iPad 可以使用, iPad 1、iPad 2 雖然可以升級到 iOS 6,不過 Siri 還是堅持 ......
全文閱讀Video sharing is not available on iPad 2 and iPod touch (5th generation 16GB). AirDrop is available on iPhone 5 or later, iPad (4th ... Safari full-screen view and tab view are available on iPhone 4s or later and iPod touch (5th generation). Siri is avail...
全文閱讀Why can't apple get Siri to iPad 2 ,seriously come on it has a A5chip and it is quiet powerful if an iPhone 4s can have it ,which still has a A5 chip?and in ios 6 they give the new iPad Siri and not iPad 2. I'm seriously I'm so disappointed with apple.i h...
全文閱讀The author of that MacWorld article is just flat wrong. Apple has clearly stated that Siri will be available in iOS 6 only for the iPhone 4s and new iPad, not the iPad 2. Quoting from this web page: http://www.apple.com/ios/ios6/ Siri will be available on...
全文閱讀Thanks in advance....|update-ipad-2-ios-6-siri-3g-working-gps-data Ask by Jul 19, 2012 3:08 AM 8 Replies Category:iPad Wi-Fi+3G Am I only one who seriously upset iPad 2nd gen. Didn't get same update with iOS 6 3rd generation got Why didn't 2nd generation ...
全文閱讀而且New iPad上也支援了,所以這樣一來可以用Siri的就是iPhone 4S跟New iPad;3GS及iPad 2雖然也可以升級到iOS 6,但因為本身就不支援Siri ,所以也無法享用這個更新 ......
全文閱讀I just got the new iOS 6 for my ipad 2 and I have been hearing and read a lot about siri for the ipa... ... I just got the new iOS 6 for my ipad 2 and I have been hearing and read a lot about siri for the ipad 2, apparently you hold down the home button a...
全文閱讀... 也要先看看你的裝置是否能升級或是值得升級,就支援的機型來說,最低支援到 iPhone 3GS、iPad 2、iPod touch 第四代。不過 iPhone 3GS 雖然可以升級到 iOS 6,但像是 Siri、Flyover 等等重要的功能都沒有支援,其實升級上去的 ......
全文閱讀Install Siri on iOS 6, iOS 7, 7.0.1, 7.0.2, 7.0.3, 7.0.4 untethered jailbreak: iPhone 4 and iPad 2. This requires iOS 7+ and a jailbreak. This is a pretty simple process, but it does take a little bit of time to install all of the items. If you have any q...
全文閱讀【本報記者劉奕廷、鐘翠蓮台北報導】由於受到全球 COVID-19新冠肺炎疫情影響,PEUGEOT、CITROEN台灣總代理寶佳聯合氣車日前表示,汽車相關零組件製造供應鏈受到嚴重衝擊,原物料、車用晶片、運輸物流及人事等成本皆大幅攀升,嚴重影響車輛生產成本及交車時程。 圖說:Peugeot小改款3008
【記者 林明益/宜蘭 報導】 宜蘭縣「110年機車汰舊換新及新購電動二輪車補助計畫」已進入最後倒數計時階段,請車主把握今年度加碼補助機會,以免向隅! 環保局黃政釧局長表示,為鼓勵縣民汰換老舊機車,宜蘭縣配合中央加碼補助車主汰舊換新,本(110)年度本縣縣民淘汰民國96年6月底前出廠的老舊機車後,換購
網友在批踢踢笨版PO文: 一早很想剪指甲,好死不死指甲剪壞掉,只好到台南歷史悠久(?)的雜貨店買。 好多圖案阿。但一眼被可愛的兔兔吸引,就決定是你了。(因為自己有養兔子所以會特別買有兔子圖案的東西) 拿了結帳,回家。 撕掉標籤。媽呀你哪位阿!!! 怎麼會是隻牛! 原來那不是臉是你的鼻孔......
轉錄自ptt表特版 ---- 這一對母女根本是什麼韓國女子天團啊 小編在辦公司看著都快變成他們的粉絲... 馬上來看他們的照片.. 母女 媽媽和兩個女兒 我覺得有點強大,基因果然很重要... 甘拜下風 太強了!!!
海利喬奧斯蒙的電影大家應該耳熟能詳吧?靈異第六感,A.I.人工智慧...等可以說是90年代末期最紅的童星,可愛演技又好,在當時可以說是備受看好海利步入演藝圈是因為拍廣告,後來又在阿甘正傳中演阿甘的兒子,長大後說實話他現在看起來有點娃娃臉 海利·喬