老婆結婚後說要搬出去外面住...但我家是租的.搬出去也是租房....但網友卻回覆~快聽老婆的話. 這
iPad 5 Rumors and News - YouTube 網友回覆: (1)這麼愛嗆離婚,那就給她兩條路, 一搬回婆家節省開銷,好好在家帶孩子 二那就離婚吧!養媽媽總比養個廢老婆好,至少媽媽會幫你顧孩子,不會讓孩子吸二手菸! (2)我建議你當個聽老婆話的老公好了,正所謂聽某嘴大富貴— 先把協議書等必要的So according to many leaks, the 5th generation iPad is just around the corner. With the release date apparently in october of this year, we only have to wait a couple more months to get our hands on some exciting new technology. Its going to have the same...