iPad Air 2 review | TechRadar - The latest technology news and reviews, covering computing, ho 讀過《三國演義》的人,都知道關雲長的青龍偃月刀。關羽伏此刀斬顏良、誅文醜,過五關、斬六將,威震華夏,名噪一時。然而,歷史上的關羽沒有過青龍偃月刀。但在陳壽的《三國志‧關羽傳》中通篇沒有一個刀字,其中提到關羽殺顏良更是用了一個刺字,結合當時的歷史,很多人得出了關羽實際上用的是矛或槊一類的兵器。 (圖iPad Air 2 review | Powerful, beautiful and simply brilliant - Apple's taken the perfect tablet and made it even better. Reviews | TechRadar ... Our Verdict A brilliant tablet that has further raised the bar for the rest of the competition. If you're in t...