ipad evernote web clipper chrome

Evernote Web Clipper 整合 Clearly、 Skitch 統一擷取整理 -電腦玩物小弟弟說他手指痛要我幫他擦藥,沒想到我邪惡了...   都給我看清楚了!這只是一根手指啦! 想歪的快去面壁!!!讓我們來看看這次「Evernote Web Clipper」( for Chrome )大改版的幾個很棒的改變,當然,從外觀上看,套件的擷取介面已經完成不同於舊版,新版採用側邊常駐功能列的方式,讓我們擷取文章時更容易切換功能。...


Evernote Web Clipper On iPad and iPhone via Safari On iOS 7 – the mergy notes 呃...你們可以私下解決嗎?  This worked on my iPad 3 but when I look at the saved note on my desktop version of Evernote I have only the URL of the page I clipped not an actual clip of the site. ... There are two checkboxes on the Evernote clipper pop-up box. One checkbox is for sav...


Use the Evernote Clipper With Safari On iPad and iPhone – the mergy notes  漂亮妹妹進了男生宿舍以後看到… 天啊!這還是人住的地方嗎 I do not get this green page with a place to past in the URL? I get a page with a dude smiling at me and no place to copy the code…please help me? Am I bookmarking the wrong page? It is the only thing that came up when you search for Evernote and from you...
