不讓Audi RS3「Sportback」獨領風騷,性能更「悍」的四門跑房RS3「Sedan」版本確
iPad Keyboard Dock, iPad Keyboard, iPad Bluetooth Keyboard, iPad Wireless Keyboard, iPad AccessoriesisCar! 繼去年起便謠傳不斷的Audi A3終極性能版本RS3(Sedan),這下在Audi原廠的證實下,如今確定將於2018年前發表上市,讓RS3性能家族在現有的「五門掀背」Sportback車型之外,終於也即將有「四門跑房」的Sedan版本入列。 ▼Audi RS3 Sedan預想圖(取自TiPad Keyboard Dock: Reviews, news and tips on Apple's iPad Tablet Keyboard Dock and Accessories ... I don’t think I have to go into a long-winded explanation of why the iPad’s keyboard dock is probably the first and most important accessory any new iPad ....