表達心意。加上精美的包裝。 - Official Apple Store US — iPhone, iPad and more 今天要說的這個故事很是令人悲傷 主人公是他,Philip Clements,79歲,來自英國... Philip從小內心就非常細膩, 他當過老師,打理過圖書館,最後成為了一名牧師... 不過,這個當地老百姓眼中溫和謙遜的「聖人」* Messages engraved on iPad and iPad mini are limited to two lines, up to 32 characters each (width 45mm); on iPod touch (5th generation) and iPod nano, two lines, 33 characters each; on iPod touch (4th generation) and iPod classic, two lines, 29 characte...