ipad vnc

Access a computer from your iOS device - VNC® Viewer for iOS   哈哈  害我現在都不太喜歡用 :(((((  的符號了     (擷取自網路)  Access and take control of a computer from your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch from anywhere in the world with VNC® Viewer. ... Your computer, when you need it VNC Viewer for iOS connects your iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch to a computer running VNC ......


VNC Viewer on the App Store on iTunes    不是上面這行的8喔!!  裡頭真的有個8  立馬把它找出來吧!       有人三秒就看到了  你幾秒呢??    Read reviews, get customer ratings, see screenshots, and learn more about VNC Viewer on the App Store. Download VNC Viewer and enjoy it on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. ... iTunes is the world's easiest way to organize and add to your digital media ....


iOS.com.tw - 用 iPhone 或 iPad 遠端操控電腦... 這裡以「Mocha VNC」為例,來介紹如何用 iPhone 或 iPad 遠端操控電腦。Mocha VNC 適用於 iPhone 和 iPad,它是透過 VNC 的方式來分享桌面,所以要連線的電腦也要安裝 VNC 伺服器。...


iTeleport Remote Desktop for iPad - VNC & RDP on the App Store on iTunes 參考來源 : http://comic-king.com/content.php?info_id=7443Read reviews, get customer ratings, see screenshots, and learn more about iTeleport Remote Desktop for iPad - VNC & RDP on the App Store. Download iTeleport Remote Desktop for iPad - VNC & RDP and enjoy it on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch....
