
Wallpaper* City Guides | Phaidon Apps                  via http://emotion.55bbs.com/2013/0918/2135498.shtml 戀愛的時候甜蜜是兩個人分享,會越來越甜;而失戀的時候,所有Your passport to the best the world has to offer, Wallpaper* City Guides present an insider's checklist of all you need to know about the world's most intoxicating cities. Focusing on architecture, art and design, each unique guide is illustrated with mor...


10 Best Apps for Dynamic Wallpaper (iPhone/iPad) | AppCrawlr 1 、談論關於自己的一天 任何關係裡,分享每天的經歷對雙方都有好處。分享的那個人能把心中的鬱悶和想法釋放出來,另一個則能更好的了解對方。 2 、在一起玩 情侶關係中一件重要的事情在於你們可以一起玩樂一起做些傻事。找一個大家都喜歡的情景喜劇或者網絡笑話一起樂樂吧。我們都聽過一句話3D Dynamic Wallpapers is an award-winning app that helps you enhance the look and feel of your device by giving you an exclusive selection of specially designed ... Amazing Wallpapers for your iPhoneLarge amount of Wallpapers! Stunning quality! Crystal cl...


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iPad Tutorials - Quick Tips and Tricks - Portable Electronics: If You Can Carry It, We Cover It 分手的姿勢要漂亮,不然贏了也是輸了。不是所有的愛情都能走到最後,如果分開,那就好好送他一程。   昨天,演員陳赫髮長微博道歉,稱和前妻許婧離婚半年,請求觀眾原諒,言辭懇切。似乎也是前幾日才知道他們相愛13年後結婚的消息,最後演變成這樣的結局,不免令人唏噓。   陳赫在他的新書《Quick and easy tips, tricks and tutorials for the Apple iPad. ... This is so easy, even a caveman can do it — no offense to cavemen and cavewomen everywhere of course. Just pick any app on your desktop or home screen, then channel your inner obsessed love...


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YoungGam communication | iPhone,iPod,iPad,apple,apps,SmartPhone,Wallpaper,User Guide當老對手麥當勞正在順應大勢推銷健康理念,肯德基卻覺得大口吃炸雞、熱狗、芝士才是正經事。近日,菲律賓肯德基就推出了一款新熱狗 Double Down Dog,它以兩塊炸雞夾熱狗的造型登場,上面還塗滿芝士,對於想要減肥的人而言可謂“喪盡天良”。不過它並非人人都能吃到,而是每家門店:+:+: New App Release :+:+: Wallpapers Apps iPhone ver Link iPad ver Link VOD Link Free Wallpapers Link Q: Wallpaper doesn't fit in the screen position. A: Settings > General > Accessibility > Reduce Motion > ON (Note: If zoomed, you will need to rescale ...
