Taiko Hack New! v2.2.1 iPhone/iPod/iPad - YouTube 有家外送披薩店,標榜30分鐘內一定送到,若超過30分鐘不用錢....而且外送小弟到達時,都會告訴客人:「先生(小姐)我20分鐘到達,這是您的披薩!」某一天,小美叫了一個披薩,不久後,果然有人來按門鈴:「小姐,我25分鐘到達!可是………我忘記帶披Finally back with another amazing hack. Although this game is quite hard to play on touch screen devices, I still wanted to do a hack for this awesome game because I play it a lot on my PSP. You can download the IPA file here http://sh.st/ikhVm You can on...