iPhone 6 With Fingerprint Detection, New iPad's Weight Loss And Release Dates: This Week In Apple Ru 以平易近人的價格提供時尚與品質見稱的國際知名品牌 H & M Hennes & Mauritz AB (H&M),台灣首間旗艦店將於2015年2月13日上午10時隆重開幕。位於台北市指標地段信義計畫區的微風松高店,H&M 將提供超過2900平方公尺,佔地3層的舒適購物空間,為全台的時尚愛好者呈獻最Will The iPhone 6 Feature Fingerprint Detection? If you were looking for some exciting, bizarro, intriguing speculation about the next iPhone, you've come to the right place: We're back with This Week In Apple Rumors, and we're starting things off ......