10 Free Photo-sharing Apps for iPhone - Web and Social Media Trends - Apps, Technology & Gadgets 我以前追劇的時候,就懷疑演員們寫毛筆字的時候是不是真在寫字,畢竟能寫得一手好毛筆字的人真的很少,直到今天看到曝光的《楚喬傳》中林更新寫的字,瞬間真相了! 劇中高冷的玥公子一本正經地寫着字,一看就是讓人無比歡喜的三好少年。 但花絮中卻曝出,他畫Do you have an Apple iPhone? Check out these free photo apps that you can download and get started with using right away to make your photos look incredible. ... 3. Flickr Yahoo's very own Flickr app for iPhone has been updated with some pretty amazing .....