How to build iPhone profiles for Cisco VPN | Network World 這個世界上有三種男人,他們風度翩翩,舉手投足盡是風情,女人往往看過一眼之後就會欲罷不能。這三種男人不用穿名牌西服也可以成為讓女人心動的男人,他們分別是:浪子,才子,公子。浪子通常都不是很有錢,但他們也不需要太多錢。他們為夢想活著,只做自己想做的事,而不是應該做的事。浪子最不缺少的就是激情,他們滿眼Apple came up with a slick way to allow you to distribute various iPhone setting to your users via email or the web, it is called profiles. Profiles are basically xml config files that act like plug-ins for the iPhone. They can configure things like Wi-FI...