How to Change iPhone Modem Firmware | eHow即使你是迪士尼或Pixar的忠實粉絲,對劇情熟悉到可以倒背如流也不一定會留意到以下這一隱藏彩蛋(East Egg)。神秘編碼“A113”幾乎出現在了所有的Pixar動畫電影,以及不少迪士尼作品當中,就連《阿森一族》、《復仇者聯盟》都有它的蹤影。想知道這數字組合為何反復出現在動"Firmware" is a name given to the internal software that runs a device like Apple's iPhone. If you want to change the firmware (which includes the firmware used to control the unit's internal modem), you'll have to first check and make sure a new version ...