How to Change iPhone Modem Firmware | eHow 三個經典故事改變你的職場生涯。 故事一:你的心過門了嗎? 洞房花燭夜,當新郎興奮地揭開新娘蓋頭,羞答答的新娘正低頭看着地上,忽然間掩口而笑,並以手指地:「看,看,看老鼠在吃你家的大米!」 看猛料請加小編微信號:qss70551。 "Firmware" is a name given to the internal software that runs a device like Apple's iPhone. If you want to change the firmware (which includes the firmware used to control the unit's internal modem), you'll have to first check and make sure a new version ...