
關於 iPhone 5s - Apple    喔不~~~把我的神奇寶貝回憶還來~~~發掘 iPhone 的一切,包括形式及功能最先進的行動裝置作業系統,以及可讓你更具創意且更有生產力的絕佳 app。 ... 纖薄輕巧的設計,超快的無線連結,能助你完成各種 作的豐富 app。iPhone 是你完美的商務夥伴。iPhone 商務應用...


iPhone 5S review - CNET - Product reviews and prices, software downloads, and tech news - CNET 就是拿出手機打卡+拍照XD 你也是嗎> The iPhone 5S is not a required upgrade, but it's easily the fastest and most advanced Apple smartphone to date. ... Numbers are great, but what does speed really mean in a phone? Sometimes it's hard to appreciate. Boot times aren't all that much faster b...


Apple - iPhone 5s - 功能特色            天阿超像!!XDD          iPhone 5s features a new fingerprint identity sensor, a powerful 64-bit chip, a faster, better camera, ultrafast, the amazing iOS 7, and more. ... 速度就是快,就是 A7 那樣快。全新 A7 晶片賦予你比 A6 晶片更快達 2 倍的 CPU 與繪圖效能。更厲害的是,A7 讓 iPhone ......
