臺灣時報-「他經濟」潮流崛起 維娜斯創新推男仕塑身衣搶市
Net Banking India| HDFC Bank - Online Net Banking, Internet Banking Service 圖:維娜斯代言人小S出席「MAN VENUS」新品記者會為品牌站台。 國人近年健身、雕塑體態的意識升高,對塑身衣有需求者不再侷限於產後婦女,許多愛美年輕人也開始訂作塑身衣與局部雕塑單品,值得一提的是,顧客中不僅有女性消費者,男性消費市場也萌生對美的追求。維娜斯看準「他經濟」趨勢,推出You can now regenerate your NetBankingIPIN (Password) online by following the below steps Click on the link 'Forgot your IPIN It is an Internet Password that the customer can choose to access NetBanking. It is a confidential password for ......