Stussy Taipei 新年優惠 正式啟動!
iPod touch 6th Generation Release Not Coming in Early 2014 Stussy Taipei正式啟動新年優惠活動,在【1月31日】至【2月28日】優惠期間,任選兩件打八折、單筆消費滿5,000元即加贈500元折價券,所有贈品是送完為止,使用方式請參照折價券背面說明! Stussy Taipei 店鋪資訊: 台北市大安區敦化南路一段161巷69弄7號 (02) 2The iPod touch 6th generation release is not likely in the next three months as Apple advised investors that the company expects iPod sales to decline year-over-year in the March quarter. During the Apple Q1 2014 Earnings call Apple pointed out the lower ...