ipod touch 桌布

Make Your Camera your Wallpaper / Background on iPhone 4 & iPod Touch 4g - YouTube 沃爾夫森在洛杉磯特效工作室Spectral Motion的幫助下研製這款跳舞機器人。現在,這款尚未命名的跳舞機器人正在紐約的大衛-茲沃納藝廊展出,展覽將一直持續到4月19日。它能隨著音樂不斷扭動身體,做出各種性感的舞蹈動作,眼睛則一直盯著旁觀者在鏡子中的倒影。   沃爾夫森的機器人身穿性CameraWallpaper is a cool new tweak available in the cydia app store. This app is very simple, it allows you to change your wallpaper to whatever is seen through the ipod touch or iphone cameras. If you missed my last video on a really cool tweak called M...


Apple - iPod nano with Multi-Touch.  這些購物袋拿出去也太炫了吧! 有些真的...很害羞....你敢拿它上街嗎    iPod nano features a Multi-Touch display, built-in Bluetooth, FM radio, video, and more. Just $149. ... Your music experience is better than ever because iPod nano has Bluetooth 4.0 built in. Pairing iPod nano with Bluetooth-enabled headphones and support...


How to: Get animated LockScreen Wallpaper on iPhone/iPod touch - Every IOS - YouTube    這張側臉照大家應該都有看過,現在正面照曝光了..... 我也心碎了.....     準備好了嗎   一起往下吧   . . . .       這...........其實也不差啦.........Hey, Lot of people have asked me how I got my animated Lockscreen wallpaper on my iPhone. So I made a tutorial showing you all how to do it. It's easy as one two three, First of all, You'll need to be jailbroken (it will work on any ios firmware, providin...


The History of the iPod touch and Its Many Models 現年45歲的丹西被英國《每日郵報》25日戲稱為世界上“量化最極致的人”。他時時刻刻戴著一系列可穿戴技術產品,包括Pebble智能手錶、谷歌眼鏡、BodyMedia臂帶和Blue心率監控器等設備,記錄自己的飲食內容、睡眠、運動、電子郵件使用、健康數據、旅行計劃和照片等數據。 The release of the iPod touch signaled the eventual demise of the traditional iPod. Find out why in this model-by-model history of the touch. ... When the iPod touch debuted, it marked a major change for the entire iPod line up. For the first time, there ...


Amazon.com: Apple iPod touch 32 GB 3rd Generation (Discontinued by Manufacturer): MP3 Players & Acce人頭標本的製作方法 iPod touch is a great iPod, a great pocket computer, and a great portable game player. Listen to a mix of songs automatically put together by the new Genius Mixes feature. Watch a movie. Surf the web. Download countless apps.Click here to jump down the pa...


Amazon.com: Apple iPod touch 8 GB (2nd Generation) (Discontinued by Manufacturer): MP3 Players & AccThe iPod touch has always been an amazing iPod. And with its groundbreaking technologies including a Multi-Touch screen, the accelerometer, and 3D graphics and access to hundreds of games, iPod touch puts an amazing gaming experience in the palm of your h...
