Jailbreak iOS 4.2.1 Guide for iPhone 4.2.1, iPod touch 4.2.1, and iPad4.2.1 - QuickPWN1、 兒子上小學了,我和老婆每天要按時上下班,因此接送他上下學的任務就交給了爺爺奶奶。我常和兒子說:『快長大吧,爺爺奶奶歲數大了還要接送你,要是你自己能單獨上下學就好了。』昨天晚上我剛到家,兒子就皺著眉頭說:『爸爸,再別讓爺爺奶奶接我了。』我一愣:『怎麼了?』他說:『已經好幾次了,我都擠上公共汽車了Does this work with IPAD that is already Jailbroken 3.2.2? If you have a JB Ipad 3.2.2 do you just upgrade to 4.2.1 and follow the instructions above? What happens to Cydia, L1merain, and any other Cydia packages loaded in the 3.2.2 jailbreak? Will this w...