it Girl:英國新生代超模Cara Delevingne
Waterproof Specifications - Lake Martin, Alabama - Community and Visitors Guide 誰是當前時尚界的"it Girl"?答案就是有著兩道粗眉、來自英國的名模新秀Cara Delevingne,177公分的身高在模特兒界當中算非常嬌小,但她混合中性、叛逆以及天真的特質卻深深抓住眾多設計師們的心,就連"老佛爺"Karl Lagerfeld都成為她的粉絲。 作風自然不做作的Cara DNot to be confused with IP address or Intellectual Property. The IP Code (or Ingress Protection Rating, sometimes also interpreted as International Protection Rating consists of the letters IP followed by two digits or one digit and one letter and an opti...