Network-booting Windows PE - iPXE - open source boot firmware [start] 翻攝novelfeed 台灣男孩們被兵變好像是個很常發生的事啊, 到底是要怪男生無法好好陪女友, 還是要怪女生無法按捺寂寞呢? 今天這個故事中的女友確實是很婊, 竟在男友入伍下一秒就兵變還持續一年半! 原PO的頭頂根本比綠犧龜還綠! 虧妳當初還一把鼻涕一把眼Windows PE (WinPE) is the Windows Preinstallation Environment, used for installation and repair of Windows computers. Using iPXE and wimboot, you can boot into Windows PE via HTTP. You can then connect to a standard Windows file server to install a full ....