Irina Shayk: 50 Hottest Pictures of Ronaldo's WAG | Bleacher Report 1. 《海賊王》 一個奇形怪狀的男孩想當海上霸主,找了一堆同樣奇形怪狀的伙伴們一起冒險。他們從1997 年開始出發,經歷了772 話的流浪歷險,至今還沒當上海賊王。作者尾田榮一郎,今年 40 歲。 2. 《最遊記》 變化為人形完全體還很帥的唐僧師徒四人,為了拯救桃源鄉而前往西方尋找真相。他們在20Irina Shayk is the girlfriend of soccer wunderkind Cristiano Ronaldo and the best thing to the sports world since Tivo. It is about time we give the lovely lady her just due Irina is what we in the business like to call ridiculously good-looking. She is s...