iron man comic extremis

Iron Man - WikipediaIron Man, il cui vero nome è Anthony Edward "Tony" Stark, è un personaggio dei fumetti, pubblicato dalla Marvel Comics. È stato creato dagli scrittori Stan Lee e Larry Lieber e dal disegnatore Don Heck. Jack Kirby ha collaborato con Heck nel design dell'a...


Iron Man (2004) #1 | Comics | Marvel.comIt's the beginning of a new era for Iron Man as the armored avenger's world for the 21st century is redefined—a landscape of terrifying new technologies that threaten to overwhelm fragile mankind! What is Extremis, who has unleashed it, and what does......

全文閱讀 Iron Man: Extremis (9780785142591): Warren Ellis, Adi Granov: BooksOne of my favorite characters in the Marvel Comics universe is Iron Man. Even before the recent films in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, as it's called, were released, I really liked the character from the cartoons I watched in the '90's when I was younger...


Iron Man (Anthony "Tony" Stark) - Marvel Comics Database 布拉格街頭的紅綠燈 柏林街頭的卡通紅綠燈 紐約市街頭拉法葉·休斯敦拐角的紅燈(rocker!!) 英國倫敦街頭專為馬匹設計的紅綠燈(馬看得懂?) 丹麥著名的世界​​級港口腓特烈西亞紅綠燈 西班牙藝術家Spy為馬德里設計的藝術紅綠燈 比利時布魯塞爾情人節專用紅綠燈(so sweet~~Iron Man is born! Inventing the Iron Man Armor Stark went to Afghanistan [8] to supervise a field test for one of his transistorized weapons. He ignored concerns that security was insufficient. Stark tripped on a booby trap and a piece of shrapnel was lod...


金屬毛的網路日誌: 鋼鐵人的終極進化!鋼鐵人:絕境 IRON MAN"EXTREMIS" - yam天空部落【內容簡介】 集商業巨人、科學家、超級英雄等身份於一身的蓋世奇才東尼史塔克,以「鋼鐵人」的身份維護世界和平,試著要為製造大量殺人武器的過去贖罪。這一回,最凶悍的殺人武器出現了:代號"EXTREMIS"的超能肉體改造藥問世,注射在冷血的恐怖 ......
