二代山豬王,Bugatti Chiron挾1500匹馬力正式亮相!
PS3 / PS4 - HDMI的1.3是什麼意思? - 遊戲討論區 - Mobile01isCar! 將量產汽車帶入1000hp、極速400km/h境地的Bugatti,將在2016日內瓦車展發表第二款新世代頂尖超級跑車Chiron,不僅接下Veyron 16.4棒子,最大馬力更一舉達到1500hp之巔! 就在原廠正式發表會的前夕,Bugatti露出了Chiron的基本訊息,它將同樣搭1) Sony's first LCD TV in North America to incorporate HDMI 1.3 was to be the 70XBR3 (which will have xvYCC or as Sony calls it "x.v. Color" ). (Japan will get the X2550 next gen XBRs in April.) The XBR4s and 5s, will most certainly be coming out well aft...