Canon EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS Lens Review 1991年,一位越南農夫突然間聽到一陣轟隆隆的水聲,從一個不知名的洞穴發出來,聲音大到,他不敢進去查看,後來才發現是該區峰牙-己榜國家公園內一個未發掘的洞穴,當地居民都稱之為Son Doong,但沒有人進去過。 後來,2009年,由Howard Limbert領頭的英國科學家,決定發掘這個無人之境Canon has maintained the position that image stabilization functions best when installed in the lens. According to Canon, "The advantages of IS in the lens are, first, that each IS system can be designed and optimized for its specific application, yieldin...