is300h 2015

Lexus IS300h 駕駛 1000 公里心得 (外觀內裝篇) | roga's blog需要明察秋毫才看得出來!!!! 先說我的結論,我個人覺得買 209 萬的 IS300h 不如買 185 萬的 IS300h (如果是鎖定 F Sport 版本的話): 除非… 1. 你對原廠導航有愛 2. 你對天窗有愛 3. 你對 AHB 自動遠近燈和 LDA 車道偏移系統有愛 4. 你對 15 隻喇叭的 Mark Levinson 音響有愛...


Lexus IS300h hybrid (2015) long-term test review by CAR Magazine你是哪種呢? CAR magazine's independent long-term test of the Lexus IS300h. We live with Lexus's hybrid saloon to see how it performs. Full expert review here ... Having said that, the fact that our IS has racked up nearly 20,000 miles during the past 10 months is the...
