M5 E 63 AMG小心,到澳洲別遇到它─638匹馬力HSV GTS準備登場?!〈內附影片〉
菲林 – Lomography 網上商店isCar! 澳洲本土品牌Holden,才於日前發表Commodore VFII全系列新車,換裝源自GM集團的LS3系列V8引擎,建立歷來最強陣容;才剛過沒多久,Holden旗下高性能部門Holden Special Vehicles (HSV),立即公布了一支全新影片,預告對應CommoEfke B&W ISO 50 35mm Get the most out of a sunny day and shoot unique images with this ISO 50 B&W film. The very high silver content in its one-layer-emulsion will produce pictures with a beautifully fine grain, pin sharp resolution and an extra touch of ...