ISO 724:1993 - ISO general-purpose metric screw threads -- Basic dimensions 穿搭最不喜歡跟人撞衫了,有時候走在路上看到跟你穿的一模一樣的陌生人,是不是會覺得有點尷尬阿? 可是偏偏有人以此為樂?在溫哥華就有一個撞衫哥,一天到晚喜歡穿得跟GAP店內的假人麻豆一樣, 連拍照擺出來的POSE也要學假人這樣,不僅如此,還在網路上成立專頁專門分享他撞衫的"成果", 總之就是擺明了要跟This standard was last reviewed* in 2014. *ISO standards are reviewed every five years. This standard is also included in the online collection: Fasteners and screw threads. Preview ISO 724:1993 Abstract Specifies the basic dimensions of metric threads in...