小賈斯汀 Justin Bieber 合成惡搞照&脫序照,一次讓你看完....XD
ISO 898-2:1992 - Mechanical properties of fasteners -- Part 2: Nuts with specified proof load values 小賈斯汀Justin Bieber因為常常出現脫序行為而經常耀上刊物版面,且之前也被各大網站票選為「最糟糕不良示範明星第1名」,上傳嗑藥後眼神怪異自拍、打赤膊/脫褲子、到處亂尿尿、抽麻吸毒、裸體嫖妓、攜帶毒品、酒後駕車...etc,反正大家想得到的他都做過啦!而且是常常做!也因為如此話題,也變成惡Applies to nuts with nominal thread diameters up to and including 39 mm, specific mechanical requirements, widths across flats as specified in ISO 272, nominal heights greater than or equal to half the nominal diameter of the internal thread, made of carb...