ISO 898-6:1994 - Mechanical properties of fasteners -- Part 6: Nuts with specified proof load values「分手後他說,先不要連絡,也不要打擾他,我依照他說的去做,我發佈的動態,他也會來按讚,這代表什麼?」、「有時他會主動來和我說話,感覺就像回到以前,有時他又很冷淡不理人,他到底想幹嘛?」…分手後會出現一些令你摸不著的狀況,將你的心高高的拉起,又狠狠的往下丟,讓你的心又再次受傷。有些朋友會Cancels and replaces the first edition (1988). Specifies the mechanical properties of nuts with specified proof load values when tested at an ambient temperature range of +10 C to +35 C. Applies to nuts with nominal thread diameters from 8 mm up to and in...