ISO 898-7:1992 - Mechanical properties of fasteners -- Part 7: Torsional test and minimum torques fo 街頭第一品牌COOL雜誌歡慶200期! 為了這前無古人的慶賀特典,我們請來街頭潮流大使林俊傑擔綱演出,出道11年的林俊傑,成立5年的SMG,創刊17年的COOL雜誌,且看這三方單位合而為一,當最強潮流雜誌╳話題街頭大咖。 街頭流行,我們說了算! 【Editor_DEION;photoThis standard was last reviewed* in 2009. *ISO standards are reviewed every five years. This standard is also included in the online collection: Fasteners and screw threads. Preview ISO 898-7:1992 Abstract Applies to bolts and screws of property classes 8...