澳洲專屬直接下場比賽 Subaru WRX STI NR4
ISO name and logo - ISO 日前Subaru推出針對拉力賽事專用的競技車WRX STI NR4,WRX STI NR4動力方面僅公佈搭載2.0升渦輪引擎,其餘並無詳細說明,另外車主還可依照需求自行選配引擎、煞車、傳動、懸吊系統,及針對碎石路面與柏油路等專用套件,由於WRX STI NR4是以三家拉力賽所打造的車輛,因此在購入Use guidelines: ISO's logo and short name For all others except ISO members and ISO technical committees (TCs), here are some non-exhaustive guidelines to help you avoid misusing ISO's trademarks. (ISO members and ISO TCs may use ISO’s trademarks ......