ISSCC: 2014 Plenary Sessions - International Solid-State Circuits Conference - January 31 - F 昨天,閨蜜又和他老公吵架了。 閨蜜然然和郭瑋是大學同學,倆人能結婚實屬不易。然然家屬於中產層,爸爸是政府官員,媽媽是銀行主任,而郭瑋是山溝里飛出的「鳳凰男」。 為了嫁給郭瑋,然然也是用盡了全力。倆人從當初家人反對,主動借住單位宿舍,到現在生活富足,過程艱辛可ISSCC is the flagship conference of the Solid-State Circuits Society and is the premier forum for presenting advances in solid-state circuits and systems-on-a-chip. The Conference offers a unique opportunity to network with leading experts in the field....