it always a good time 歌詞

==== Lyrics ====來源:普象工業設計小站(微信號:iamdesign)   在沙漠腹地,有一座城市,以一種對人類慾望的極限崇拜、一種對極致奢華近乎瘋狂的迷戀,吸引著全世界的目光。 它,就是杜拜。很多我們覺得不可思議的事情,在那裡發生得理所當然。   無論從什麼角度看 這座城市的建築都令人震驚 仰視Phantom Minds - Nana Mizuki Music Video and Lyrics Phantom Minds - Nana Mizuki I was always looking for a place full of true smiles The future was reflected in that faint warmth, unmoving I place my hopes on an unknown tomorrow But rather than going throu...


KaBlam! - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 之前發過幾期「無聲恐怖」(Silent Horror)漫畫,這個系列最大的特點就是沒有台詞,但夜深人靜的,看了還是有點...   今天分享一些最新的作品:   【兄弟】                Henry — Henry is the energetic male host of KaBlam!. He was born in 1981. He tends to behave foolishly and believes that he looks good shirtless. He is best friends with June, however they don't always see eye-to-eye, and June can seem more like a bully t...


Litotes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia DarkBox創作的這個短漫畫系列已經發了好多季了,其最大特點就是沒有台詞。內容嘛,有的故事一看就懂,有的卻頗為內涵哦...今天的是第六季(10則)   【主人】     【不死之身】     【許願樹】     【冒牌貨】 &In rhetoric, litotes (/ˈlaɪtətiːz/,[1] US /ˈlɪtətiːz/ or /laɪˈtoʊtiːz/) is a figure of speech in which understatement is employed for rhetoric effect,[2] principally via double negatives.[3][4] For example, rather than saying that something is attractive ...


Animal testing should always be allowed! 「無聲恐怖」(Silent Horror)漫畫又里了,雖然沒有台詞,但是有些故事還是蠻滲人的,不要說我沒提醒你!   【闖入者】                       &nRight now, millions of mice, rats, rabbits, primates, cats, dogs, and other animals are locked inside cold, barren cages in laboratories across the country. They languish in pain, ache with loneliness and long to roam free and use their minds. Instead, al...


Mindfulness Meditation Benefits: 20 Reasons Why It's Good For Your Mental And Physical Health 經常一大早去上班,剛進辦公室的大門,就能聽見我的兩位美女拍檔在二樓鏡子前比試身材的對話,胖了瘦了都是小事,話題的焦點往往都集中在腿上,我就納了悶了,這腿粗點細點你們倆三五天的就能看出個變化嗎?儘管答案是肯定不會, 但每次都快要被她們的一句「你覺得我腿細了嗎?」的問題折磨的死去活來。   Oh mindfulness meditation, how do we love thee? Let us count the ways. Even though the academic research on mindfulness meditation isn't as robust as, say, nutrition or exercise, there is a reason why it's been around for literally thousands of years. And...
