it always a good time

Animal testing should always be allowed! 你從沒想過不要戀愛,你也不是害怕受傷。你只是怕痛。你怕那種以為自己永遠都治療不好的痛,你怕那種覺得自己要習慣這種痛苦一輩子的痛。因為你知道,傷口雖然會癒合,但是痛的感覺卻不會消失。它是影子,在每回想起時,你便發現原來它就在腳跟,然後跟著再痛一次。於是,你都不知道該怎麼繼續了! 你要的是一起努力的人Right now, millions of mice, rats, rabbits, primates, cats, dogs, and other animals are locked inside cold, barren cages in laboratories across the country. They languish in pain, ache with loneliness and long to roam free and use their minds. Instead, al...


Mindfulness Meditation Benefits: 20 Reasons Why It's Good For Your Mental And Physical Health 許多女孩子都會有這種時刻:面臨兩個選擇——一個是老實無趣但適合做老公的,而另一個是有趣的、自己牽掛的但不靠譜的,這時候便不知道怎麼選擇,但往往最後還是聽從“愛情”的指引,選了後者。 過段時間,被人玩膩了之後,被拋棄,然後痛不欲生,接著重新開始一次輪迴Oh mindfulness meditation, how do we love thee? Let us count the ways. Even though the academic research on mindfulness meditation isn't as robust as, say, nutrition or exercise, there is a reason why it's been around for literally thousands of years. And...


Overcome Your Lateness - Breaking News and Opinion on The Huffington Post 男人和女人是兩種不同的物種,這就注定了,“男人的賤”和“女人的賤”背道而馳。男人的賤,是越對他好越不珍惜,越追他越跑向海角,男人愛的一定不是對他最好的女人。而女人剛好相反,愛你我就對你好,好的不得了,一直對你好,好到男人只想逃,女人把自己放到卑賤的位Before writing her book, “Never Be Late Again,” management consultant Diana DeLonzor was always, always late. “It didn’t matter what time I got up. I could get up at six and still be late for work at nine,” she recalls. She was reprimanded at work, lost f...


Log in - LiveJournal: Discover global communities of friends who share “親愛的,週末去海灘逛逛吧?”小葉對著電腦前的男朋友用期待的目光望著,“寶貝,你找你姐們吧,我不想出去,有好多事呢!”小王脫口而出,身為女朋友的小葉表示失望但是又不能強求自己男友,因為當初在一起的時候,小王就說自己有點宅,不過小葉覺得小王人很好,性格Your request has been filed. You can track the progress of your request at: If you have any other questions or comments, you can add them to that request at any time. Send another report Close feedback form...


Cicada: A Symbol of Good Rebirth, Change and Protection Against Bad Luck | Sana Ako si Ricky Lee! 不願意跟任何人在一起,不放棄任何曖昧的機會 伴隨著這些焦慮、悲觀、害怕被拒絕而產生的,就是玩心情人。他們總是和人發展出超友誼關係,卻還說彼此只是朋友;他們總是在分手之後,持續與對方維持著各種只需要享受、不需要負責的聯繫;他們總是在曖昧與承諾之間,一直不斷地拖延。跟那些愛劈腿的人不一樣,這些人或許一In my belief, a Cicada is best used as a symbol of good rebirth, this is limiting in the sense that people who will follow this are people who believes in reincarnation. The Cicada is considered as a summer insect in Japan and China, because they usually ...


It Always A Good Time - 影片搜尋 之前,我寫過一篇“女人要找幫你實現夢想的男人”,其主旨就是女人不要總是去成全男人,做站在男人背後的女人,而是要男人來幫你實現夢想,至少是支持你的夢想。 蔣介石和宋美齡是相互成全。而張愛玲和胡蘭成,則不是,只有張愛玲的不斷付出,甚至還寄錢給胡蘭成生活且養著別的女人,就算多麼深...
