Be nice to nerds. Chances are you'll end up working for one … 據BuzzFeed報導:美國一個18歲女孩約翰娜·海因斯和她的男朋友,20歲的達蒙·理查茲幹出了怪異的事情 上週末,他們在閒逛,當時約翰娜洗澡之後,打算化妝,而男友就用他的,呃...蛋蛋,來逗她發笑 “他總是跟我惡搞,還把蛋放在我When you create a new web application in Visual Studio 2010, you will by default get a configuration file like this: The web.config transformations allow you to adapt your configuration settings for different builds or environments. We have all worked wit...