it my day

Ice Cube - It Was A Good Day (Explicit) - YouTube今天是發考卷的日子 媽媽:「隔壁的小美考了99分」 兒子:「那算什麼,我比他多一點」 媽媽:「哇!你考了100喔」 兒子:「不~我考了9.9分」 媽媽:「...」Music video by Ice Cube performing It Was A Good Day....


Bright Eyes - "First Day of My Life" - YouTube有位代課老師到一個新班級,所有的人都點到了只有一個沒被點到,老師大喊 王肚皮 王肚皮 他請假嗎?誰沒點到? 一個同學起立 老師問:你叫甚麼名字?同學慢慢講:我叫王月坡Autoplay When autoplay is enabled, a suggested video will automatically play next. Up Next Bright Eyes - The People's Key full album stream - Duration: 49:32. ... 50+ videos Play all Play now Mix - Bright Eyes - "First Day of My Life" by YouTube 82 videos...


Ramblings of an IT Guy.        一架飛機剛抵達某機場,機上的空服員立刻將一個可疑的罐子交給當地的航警。 航警打開一看是粉狀的物質,於此把手伸進去沾了一點放在舌尖測試。 「嗯,不知道是什麼東西?我知道不是毒品,可是也不是糖?」正當空服員和航警在狐疑之際, 一位老太太慌慌張張的跑I am currently working on my Bachelors Degree in Networking Security and employed as a Sr. Security Engineer at Websense, Inc.. I currently hold several industry certifications including but not limited to CompTIA A+, Net+, Security+, SonicWALL CSSA ......


It My Day - 影片搜尋 媽媽教訓小明:「你再不聽話,我就要把你關進廁所裡…」 「…然後把門鎖起來,到時候你可別求我!」 小明:「那好,到時候妳想上廁所,也不要來求我!」...


Go Ahead, Ruin My Day - NYTimes.com有一天~ 一對夫妻到動物園 他們看到一個地方人很多走過去發現大家都在看『狒狒』 老婆大聲的說:真奇怪 怎麼越醜的動物越多人看 老公說: 噓~ 小聲一點大家都在看你As the saying goes, “to err is human, to forgive is divine,” to which I’d add: “to ignore” is even more human, and the results rarely divine. None of us would be human if we didn’t occasionally get so wedded to our wishes that we failed to notice — or out...


My little boy blue - A Mother's guide to making it and faking it!男人有位老婆實在很喜歡講電話不論是對方打來還是自己打趣 每次都要扯上三個小時才肯罷休男人也經常為昂貴的電話費以及吵雜的聊天聲困擾 有一天 老婆又一如往常地接起正響著的電話 男人心想 這下可好了 又得吵上半天了 男人便仔細的盯著自己的手表 想要知道這次花多久時間才能安寧 男人因為太專注的盯著表 完全沒Green Hummus for St.Patrick’s day Easy to make green Hummus 2 cups chick peas 1 avocado 3 garlic cloves Juice from 1 lemon 1/4 cup water 1/8 cup olive oil 1 cup cilantro 2 tsp cumin Sea salt and pepper to taste Blend all ingredients in the processor and s...
