It's My Life (The Animals song) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 當梵高化身花臂cool boy 蒙娜麗莎穿着大膽透視裝 個個都是時髦精 一天有人突發奇想: 《梵高》、《蒙娜麗莎》、 《戴珍珠耳環的少女》, 他們每天被關在密不透風的玻璃罩子裡, 一定覺得很無聊, 很想走上街透透氣吧! 這不日本設計師Shusaku Animals original [edit] D'Errico, who wrote the music, and Atkins, who wrote the lyrics, were professional songwriters associated with the greater Brill Building scene in New York City. By 1965 they were working for Screen Gems Music, but had only found m...