it up to you

One Up On Wall Street: How To Use What You Already Know To Make Money In The Market: Peter Lynch, Jo ▲說不出的衝擊!(Source:visualmelt,下同。)   大家好,我是愛獵奇插畫的羊編。 繼上次這篇 這9張「超暗黑官能」浮世繪作品,肉體極盡情慾激情交纏,尺度完全是兒童不宜#5驚見格雷專用的「遊戲房」?! 大受好評後,這陣子也涉略許多作品,不夠獵奇絕對不看,沒想到真Anise C. Wallace The New York Times Mr. Lynch's investment record puts him in a league by himself. About the Author Peter Lynch managed the Fidelity Magellan Fund from 1977 to 1990 when it was one of the most successful mutual-funds of all time. He then b...


Be nice to nerds. Chances are you'll end up working for one …    最近日本的論壇、推特與各大網絡新聞網站都在討論一個關於「找錢」問題—— 結賬時如果需要付出680円,你會拿出1180円讓店員找你500円的整錢嗎?       事情是這樣發生的:   上周一位日本男生在論壇里When you create a new web application in Visual Studio 2010, you will by default get a configuration file like this: The web.config transformations allow you to adapt your configuration settings for different builds or environments. We have all worked wit...


Doorway Pull Up Bar Guide – What To Know Before You Buy ▲7張只有「思想不純潔」的人才看得懂的圖,老江湖看到都嘿嘿怪笑...(source:左:月亮上的小男孩/右:月亮上的小男孩)   哈囉大家好~我是fufu編!今天要和大家介紹的是7張只有「思想不純潔」的人才看得懂的圖,老江湖看到都嘿嘿怪笑... 根據頭條號主月亮上的小男孩分享,生活中總是Should you buy a door frame pull up bar? A doorway pull up bar may not be right for you, this guide gives you need to know in order to decide...


DECATHLON 2 Seconds Pop Up Easy-to-carry Tent Green | Outdoor Recreation 媽媽比自己美是什麼體驗? 一個叫「韓政住」的妹子深有體會 雖然妹子的顏值特別高 但是在網絡上,她的媽媽比她還火!   韓政住今年20歲,是個網紅 她和媽媽的合照在網路上瘋傳   左邊是媽媽右邊是女兒 母親顏值絲毫不輸給女兒 兩個人看起來竟然像是姐妹!   網友都在驚呼Super easy to set up, unbelievable hard to collapse, given the instructions included. You will have to watch You Tube videos to get an in idea how to do it (at least I did). The instructions on my were more or less stick figures going through the motions....


whip up | handcraft in a hectic world那如果我告訴你,日本也有一部類似的離婚劇,但人家勵志的主角,更誇張,是一個 200斤的胖妹,你又會怎麼看呢?       不用覺得驚訝。   這一季最火的日劇 《環奈太太》,就是這麼神奇的一部戲。   講劇情,它可能和其他離婚劇差不多,說的都是一個因May’s been a bit quiet and reflective here at Whipup. Friday 15 May marked two years since Whipup’s founder Kathreen Ricketson and her husband, ... Can you believe it – Whipup is NINE years old! Hiphiphooraybirthday!! So for the month of February 2015, if...

全文閱讀 - Brought to you by Reboot Illinois ▲金髮正妹挑戰騎公牛?(source: youtube截圖,以下同)   大家好我是云編~ 電動公牛是許多遊樂園都有的項目,編編記得小時候去六福村的時候也看過,不過都沒有人在騎XD 畢竟電動公牛動起來真的是很恐怖......不要說女生了,甚至連很多男生坐上去都撐不到半分鐘啊!編編從沒看過Reboot Illinois aims to encourage citizens to retake ownership of our governments. Through non-partisan digital and social media, Reboot Illinois intends to engage citizens giving them the information and tools they need to act on improving the jobs clima...
