And So it Goes in Shreveport 區別於過去專注在減少精子數量方面的男性避孕研究,這種新避孕藥的作用原理,是試圖通過控制精子功能使其無法讓卵子受精。 (圖片取自網路) 據《醫學日報》(Medical Daily)報導,日本一個研究小組10月1日在《科學》雜誌 上發表研究報告,稱其團隊成功研製出了一種控制生殖功能的...and plentiful green spaces that enrich downtown living. And it's so clean -- the people take pride in their downtown and so trash and litter is almost non-existent. But Shreveport, even more than that, and this is where we need to talk, Des Moines has ...