it's a good life

Church Is Messy (and that's a good thing) | thoughts on life, church, and culture小編覺得這樣還滿親民的呀!!挺可愛~~   thoughts on life, church, and culture (by Rick Henderson) ... Christianity Today is reporting that World Vision has reversed it’s decision to hire Christians in same-sex marriages. I applaud their courage as they are about to face another backlash....


Barat Ako! | Living a good life while getting the most out of your peso!   國外有段創意短片,一名上班族澆花時不慎從大樓跌落,此時人生跑馬燈出現,從他出生、兒時玩樂、求學、上班後... 我們發現,人生被上班佔據了大多時間,而到了他人生最後一刻,終於能放鬆了...   ●此影片雖不是自殺,但仍得跟各位朋友說: 自殺,不能解決難題,求救請打1995&nHere is the last post on my trip to S&R last Tuesday! I’ll be sharing some of the items I found that I think are a really good deal. Don’t forget to check the Home Ware below – there are really good deals on branded kitchen ware! CHOCOLATES & SWEETS If yo...


It's Not How Good You Are, It's How Good You Want to Be: The world's best selling book: Paul Arden: 「不是因為穿搭,是因為身材好吧!?」「穿搭不重要,身材取決一切!」看著藝人、名模、時尚部落客打扮時尚有型時,心中不免這樣想!可是穿搭時尚是一件很好玩的事,誰說時尚是瘦女孩的專利呢?不當紙片人,每個女孩們也有打扮光鮮亮麗的權利!盤點 7 位大尺碼部落客,每一個都是穿搭高手,示範穿搭技巧、更示範大女孩的"Talented but timid? This noted ad‐man is here to tell you that ambition, not just mere ability, is the key to success in his world ... Arden is punchy and memorable about ’failing better next time’." – i-D "Saatchi & Saatchi creative legend&hyphen...


| meet me at mikes | good stuff for nice people 為慶祝 UNITED ARROWS 成立25 週年,旗下子品牌 BEAUTY & YOUTH 也拉來關係甚好的 G-SHOCK 推出紀念錶款。事實上,雙方曾在 2011 年為慶祝 BEAUTY & YOUTH 5 周歲生日帶來過一款純黑色 AWG-M500,而今次的合作也是延續了前作的風格,不過將Sometimes, when it gets to Sunday, I think to myself, ‘How can a week have zoomed by so quickly?’ Luckily, I have this little One + Four = Life game to play. It not only reminds me that it’s a good idea to stop and think about the week that was, it also r...
