it's a good news for me

| meet me at mikes | good stuff for nice people 韓國有線台MBC MUSIC音樂節目《Show Champion》現場公開於20日傍晚在一山舉行。EXID、BESTie、防彈少年團等演出。韓國長腿女團大跳性感熱舞,黑絲襪下滑忙拉扯成為節目亮點,有亮點看就不要追究是故意還是無意那些無聊的事了!! Sometimes, when it gets to Sunday, I think to myself, ‘How can a week have zoomed by so quickly?’ Luckily, I have this little One + Four = Life game to play. It not only reminds me that it’s a good idea to stop and think about the week that was, it also r...


RPGamer - Official Site (優活健康網記者陳承璋/綜合報導)若有痔瘡,請勿小看!一名五十二歲蔡姓男子,職業為計程車司機,因久坐開車,有時塞車又不敢喝水,導致他長期都有解便不順,大便總是硬如石頭,每次如廁就像拿大石狠砸小菊花,使得花瓣上傷痕纍纍,遂長了個大痔瘡,不料,日前他方才蹲在馬桶上一用力,那痔瘡竟猛然爆裂,將花朵炸個支Its size alone makes RPGamer the chief contender in the RPG information sector....


Broadway Market 101: A crash course in a Buffalo tradition - Gusto - The Buffalo News 一、《致命錄像帶》 恐怖驚悚影片,2012年1月22日在美國上映。影片由六段驚悚故事組成,強烈的偽紀錄風格、限制級的影像……血腥恐怖撲面而來 二、《豚鼠系列》第三部《他不會死》 豚鼠系列到了這集有了兩個較為明顯的轉變:其一是放棄了綁架後虐待的思路而改為自虐;其二是更注重To market, to market Turn from Broadway onto Gibson Street. It’s a one-way street. The entrances are on the left. The first entrance is for the ramp to the upper levels, and the second entrance is for ground-level parking. Things can get crowded. If you r...


'Top Five' Filmmaker Chris Rock Pens Blistering Essay on Hollywood's Race Problem: "It's a White Ind 【editor_Eason ;photo_ Morrison ;visual_ Bala】 萬年不敗的黑色與白色向來是潮流圈最喜愛也最百搭的兩大主流配色,尤其近年在球鞋文化的推波助瀾之下,黑白配色的球鞋更是成為人腳必備的潮流單品,無關乎限量與否,皆能迅速秒殺!以此為鑑,本回就要一次整合BLACK This story first appeared in the Dec. 12 issue of The Hollywood Reporter magazine. Some of these younger black guys just want me to see their act. Some come to me for advice. Hannibal Buress called the other day. They want to know about agents and manager...


SiliconBeat 現在,因為網絡上經常爆出艷照,“防火防盜防男友”這句話廣為流傳。其實,人都是感情動物!分手後難免對以前的戀人、情人、愛人念念不忘,有的人把他(她)藏在心裡,有的人整天把他(她)掛在嘴上,甚至把兩個人曾經的風流韻事都公之於眾。不管是無意也好,還是存心報復也好,這對於另一方來說Activists: Facebook’s limits users, poses security risks +-*Facebook is pitching its initiative as an altruistic effort to get those who don’t yet use the Internet online. Many community activists who have been working for years ...


Believe Me, It's Torture | Vanity Fair 【editor_GUAN GUAN;photo_MORRISON&JIMMY;visual_BALA;special thanks_校花點點名】 每年的五六月是國高中生面臨大考的緊張時刻,每天被繁忙的課業壓得喘不過氣,總是要有紓壓的管道才能讓大家有更多的決心繼續努力下去。本月我們透過了「校花點點名The author catches his breath after undergoing his first waterboarding session. What more can be added to the debate over U.S. interrogation methods, and whether waterboarding is torture? Try firsthand experience. The author undergoes the controversial dr...
